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reading along

I guess one of my many failures is RSS. I have this open source reader on Android. I like it. The developer releases new builds frequently. It’s a smaller app. I just loaded it with some opml thing I had. Works good.

I have some number of subscriptions. The app dutifully updates them when I read on it. Like once a day. I don’t pour over the news. I don’t save for later. If I want to read something why save it? I should just read the thing. I don’t do favorites either. None of any of the news is a favorite.

What I prefer much more is this app newsmast. It let’s, me now login with my mastodon account. See my home timeline but also see it’s communities. It creates a blended view of stuff I enjoy. What I wish is I could create my own community with my RSS feeds. Share it or not. Have the view be the mastodon or community view I get now. Then I could delete the RSS app.

Just a thought really.

in other news”

Well my wife is going to look at a house that is actually in Siem Reap itself. I’ve reached the end of complaints and attitudes with the current place. It’s just easier to not argue about all the things I dislike. Just walk the walk that says ok. Not fine. Not good. Ok.

So, I sit with coffee this morning a few miles from our abode. It’s inside so the AC goes. A little over a week we go to Phnom Penh. Not my favorite place. Given there is only one US embassy in the country and it’s there really no choice. My wife does all the minivan arrangements. It’s easier when she calls and speaks Khmer to them. Then we have a wedding party when we get back. It’s at some restaurant in town. Get dressed up. Eat. Dance. Drink. I don’t do the last one much any more. It’s really more of a social event. Get to see people. Perhaps they are sisters. Not blood sisters but social ones. I’m not sure of the difference between friends and social sisters. Some Khmer people call me brother. I’m not in either a blood or social sense. It’s just one of the many parts of me that are likely broken. I don’t like people much. So sue me.

So that’s what I’d call news. I like posting photos that have nothing to do with this rant or rave. Here ya go.


Maybe you know where this is. Yeah. You’re right. It’s there. 🙂

Up next moments that come getting the weather
Latest posts this leaking roof coming home it was with Thursday words and wisdom today I see my daughter in law Monday before Saturday Walking Friday follies our thursday Wednesday morning writing not a move in sight getting the weather reading along moments that come this journal thing going to Phnom Penh family cafe times it’s my job days of ups and downs day by day is the way getting my words back testing again welcome back to blot