little pieces of cambodia

I seem to gather little pieces of this country. A thing said. When I walk by Khmer men they will call me brother. The women don’t. I don’t know why. One barista calls me my cute”. I like that.

The children are best to me. Somehow not jaded with all the crap adulthood levies. They just are. They live this life of action. In my neighborhood they will walk with me. Hold my hand. Talk with me in English. One little boy waits for me. He shows me his new puppy. The doggo darts out. Tail going 1000 per. The boy watches laughing. I tell them goodbye and all the kids hear ahead and behind me. I can hear their laughter and telling me both hello and goodbye.

So I wonder. What the F happened to the adults. They seem so preoccupied with acting strange. Where is the kid in them. Instead this cast of adult Khmer characters will sometimes stand right outside our gate staring. I don’t get it.

My friend Paul told me many vietnamese are so curious and nosy. They try to look inside his grocery bag as he navigates. His wife being vietnamese laughs it away.

I just watch them. They watch me. Used to be they had to see my food. Honestly this drove me nuts. I told my wife I could not enjoy the food with 5 pairs of eyes watching. I felt the worse for this little Khmer girl who I think was simply hungry. I always insisted she get food. Then I would walk by her and she would shyly say,

Hi Mike.

The smile was our success. I took her swimming in our apartment pool and she loved it. She would come and sit next to me afterwards.

These little pieces accompany all the larger ones of living here. My wife finding things for me. So many. Taking care of the routines in life so I could continue finding the pieces. Giving me days of a best life. Being with me.

the me and her = usthe me and her = us

I find all the little pieces of things. Of a life that seems so good and we really have so little. Perhaps our little things are better. Even in bad times when we disagree, always find the things that come together.

I think this is life here. This wonderful and strange kingdom. Where the children play and the adults do what they do. I just walk by.

All good for me.

June 14, 2024